Organisation: Forum Mulher
Pays: Mozambique
Poste: Trainner and volunteer
Gender program coordination addressing gender based violence, political participation, sexual abuse og girls in education, access to health services and education addressing the gender issues that prevent/constrains women access to those services through advocacy and campaign, capacity building, awareness raising, empowerment of women with regards to their rights
Qu’est-ce que signifie pour vous le renforcement de capacités de femmes?:
As African feminist my understanding of feminism places patriarchal social relations structures and systems which are embedded in other oppressive and exploitative structures at the center of the analysis. Patriarchy is a system of male authority which legitimizes the oppression of women through political, social, economic, legal cultural, religious and military institutions. Men’s access to, and control over resources and rewards within the private and public sphere derives its legitimacy from the patriarchal ideology of male dominance.
Qu’est-ce que représente le renforcement de capacités de femmes?: