Organisation: Forum Mulher
Pays: Mozambique
Poste: Gender Economy program coordinator
During last five years have been working at Forum Mulher, first as program officer in advocacy and now as program coordinator. I have been involved on the campaign for government approve domestic violence bill, approved by the parliament last year. I have been involved to mainstream gender in our main public policy (PARP) and monitoring the implementation of the policies and legislation. Now I am conducting the campaign on women land rights. Apart of this I have been involved in researches and coordinating studies on women economic empowerment in context of Mozambique.
Qu’est-ce que signifie pour vous le renforcement de capacités de femmes?:
Women empowerment mean give tools to women to defend their rights. Show women that they are not inferior than man and they have the same capacity to take decisions and actions that improve their life and welfare. Women empowerment means give conscience to women and abilities for them fight for their rights. Raise their voices.
Qu’est-ce que représente le renforcement de capacités de femmes?: